How soon can one recover after the brain surgery ?

17 Feb,23

Brain surgeries are highly complicated operative procedures and the recovery depends upon the efforts of the medical staff and the patient. After having brain surgery, patients frequently require between 4-8 weeks off work to recover completely. Ideally, the patient should allow his body to heal completely before resuming their pre-surgery routine as generally after a procedure, surgical incisions could hurt for up to a week. As the stakes are higher, you should research thoroughly the hospitals where you want to get the surgery and the expertise of the medical staff that is going to aid you through the recovery process. There are various Neurosurgeons in Faridabad equipped with the required skills to make the recovery process smooth. In this blog, we have outlined what to expect after surgery and the complications revolving around its recovery period.

What to expect post-surgery?

It is important for a patient and their family to understand the entire surgical and recovery process. They must get all their queries resolved from the doctor. Before the surgery, the surgeon may use sedatives to calm down the patient which can ease their anxiety and assist in recovery after the surgery. A ventilator also aids the patient in breathing. Most of the time, the patient wakes up on their own. After waking up from anesthesia and medications, it's usual for people to feel sleepy and lethargic. You may need to stay in the hospital for observation and may also receive medications to prevent seizures or swelling. In some cases, you might need neurorehabilitation to restore certain functions.

How soon is the recovery from Surgery?

Due to the seriousness of this surgery, the surgeon is required to conduct routine checks to keep an eye on the patient's neurological condition. After the procedure, your physician may remove the stitches somewhere between 5 and 14 days later.

Does the patient need to undergo a head shave before the operation?

It varies from patient to patient and entirely depends on the procedure. The doctor could occasionally simply want to shave a tiny area to make an incision, sometimes they may shave a part of the head. In cases of minimally invasive surgeries, the head won’t be shaved at all. Although the newly shaved head may initially itch, the patient should avoid scratching the incision site.

What happens during the recovery process?

  • 2-3 days may be spent following a trans-nasal technique
  • Stay at the hospital may be increased if your surgeon advises a craniotomy
  • If you've undergone a craniotomy, your at-home recovery period will likely be longer than three weeks—more likely six weeks.
  • the resection of a pituitary tumor, postoperative checkups are normally scheduled every 3-6 months

How surgical drains are managed?

  • Oxygen is delivered through a mask over the patient’s mouth and nose
  • Following surgery, several IV drips are used to provide drugs, fluids, and blood transfusions. These drips are connected to a central line, which is a long line placed into the neck, or a cannula, which is a tiny tube injected into the hand or arm.
  • Urinary catheter – to check urine flow and colour which ensures that the patient is consuming enough fluids
  • To stop and cure nausea and vomiting, the nasogastric tube is taped to the patient's cheek and nose.
  • Drains: Depending on the severity of the lesion, the patient may have one or more tubes emerging from the incision that are connected to bags or bottles. The accumulation of CSF fluid decreased as a result.
  • An artery may be punctured with a catheter by a doctor to get blood samples and measure blood pressure.
  • Intracranial pressure is measured using a tube placed into the skull (ICP).

Due to the complicated nature of this surgery, one can consult a trusted Brain and spine surgeon in Faridabad.

Brain Imaging after Surgery

A patient may have imaging with an MRI or CT scan 2-3 days after surgery to check for any persistent tumour or postoperative edema.

Visit the Best neurosurgeon in Faridabad to understand the recovery process.


There are various hospitals around Faridabad offering Neurosurgery. One of them is Sarvodaya hospital, Sec 8, Faridabad with a team of the best brain and spine surgeons in Faridabad who have relevant experience in this field. Our hospital is equipped with advanced technologies which improve the surgical outcomes and reduce the chances of any complications that may arise due to the complex nature of this surgery. Navigation-assisted brain tumour surgeries, deep brain stimulation, and awake craniotomy are some of the services provided here.

Book your appointment today and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

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